Floppy Email Automation is more than just a bulk email sender!

A fully scalable, flexible, and secure email automation platform, powering and building your organization to outperform and exceed.

  • Build Beautiful, Responsive Emails with Zero Code: Floppy Email allows you to choose from a wide variety of existing templates or designs of your choice with a zero code email builder.
  • Powerful A/B Testing for Best Results Every Time: Use Floppy Email Automation for powerful A/B testing of any part of your Floppy Email, be it Email design, subject line, or send time. Achieve the best and premium results with your perfect Email every single time.
  • Campaign Management with Automations: Our Floppy Email Automation helps you to set up post Floppy Email Sign Up Actions. From sharing the case study to delivering the webinar details right into their inbox, build mini Floppy Email Marketing Campaigns that go far beyond simple email sending...

Why Choose Floppy Email Automation?

  1. Connect At Scale: Floppy Email Automation allows you to build meaningful relationships. With Automation services, you can create customized experiences, invite conversations, and tell stories in a perfect way that is relevant and scalable. With Floppy Email Automation
    -  Follow up with leads who reach out with the content
    Look after attendees ahead of an upcoming event
    Create a warm welcome email with premium onboarding series
  2. Get Started With Automation: With Floppy Email, Automation is within reach. Use automation triggers that you already have in place to set up customized Floppy email marketing automation in time. With Floppy Email Automation:
    Create single recurring emails with no more duplicating
    Enter contacts quickly by skipping complex integrations
    Automate time-based drip series
  3. Track And Improve: With Floppy Email, getting better has never been this more accessible. You can easily check out the aggregate performance of your automation campaigns, individual email statistics, and content, all in one place. With Floppy Email Automation:
    Trace the reach of your automation campaign over time
    Easily update content and subject line in real-time
    Identify which Email acts the best
  4. Better Delivery Rates: With Floppy Email Verification, more messages are delivered to real contacts. Use our real-time API option to detect and suppress invalid and inactive email addresses. With a clean list of subscribers, you will be able to reduce your bounce rate and perform better to improve deliverability. Floppy Email Validation Offers:
    Mailbox provider friendly tactics and Machine learning
    Real-time email address verification API
    Ability to discover inactive, disposable, nonexistent, and mistyped email addresses
  5. Minimize Funnel Leaks: With Floppy Email Verification, you don’t lose leads to typos. Connect the Floppysend real-time API to lead capture forms in order to catch the false entries straight away. Instantly ask the visitor to resubmit with the provided correction therein. With Floppy Email Verification:
    Avoid losing contacts because of accidental email address typos
    Guarantee recipients get the mails they expect and want from you
    Remove additional and supplementary fields like email address confirmation
  6. White Hat Senders Only: With Floppy email verification, you will always stay in the excellent sender category. Our API’s at Floppysend does not use the broken SMTP-handshake, which strives to verify an email address by connecting and linking to the mailbox providers until the response is received and then breaking the connection or link. Floppy Email Verification:
    Maintains the trust of mailbox providers
    Do not use the broken SMTP handshakes
    Avoid spammer-affiliated tactics which are used by other vendors


Wondering about what makes us the best?

  • Abuse Email List Checker: Our Floppy Email list verifier can identify and spot out the emails that have a background of marking emails as inappropriate or spam, thus improving the quality of your email list.
  • Disposable Email Checker: Our Email verification software identifies the temporary email addresses that are used to mask the real email addresses. Floppy Email Verification executes and runs a thorough email list cleaning to wipe them out.
  • Email Verification API: Our Email Verification API allows and lets you to verify email addresses instantly and rapidly on your platform. You can easily and quickly check the validity of the emails in any language like .NET, PYTHON, JAVA, etc.
  • Catch-All Email Checker: Our Email Verification tool checks for domains that are identified as catch-all domains. Catch-All domains are the domains that return valid for all emails. Each email address verification brings you closer to better email quality.
  • Spam Trap Checker: Our Email Verification tool identifies the spam traps that might be available in your email address lists. It is very essential to remove the spam trap for better email quality.


Start With FloppyEmail Now!